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SAN FRANCISCO -- A motion urging the Federal Communications Commission to create strong Network Neutrality rules will be voted on today by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. The resolution highlights the importance of Net Neutrality to "foster innovation, increase competition, and spur economic growth as well as making the Internet faster and more affordable for all." A similar resolution is also being considered by the New York City Council.

Net Neutrality is strongly supported by the Obama administration, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski and leading lawmakers, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Misty Perez Truedson, program manager of Free Press, made the following statement:

"We are very encouraged that San Francisco lawmakers recognize the importance of preserving an open Internet. As a world leader in media and technology, support from the Bay Area is especially important. Today’s vote will send a strong message to Congress and the Federal Communications Commission that they must protect Net Neutrality and make sure the Internet remains an unrivaled resource for economic innovation, democratic participation and free speech online."

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