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WASHINGTON -- The Federal Communications Commission launched its "national broadband plan" to bring high-speed Internet to all Americans. The FCC must develop this comprehensive strategy for Congress by Feb. 17, 2010, as part of the $7.2 billion broadband stimulus portion of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act.

The FCC began the process at an open meeting this morning by asking for public comment on a series of key questions that will help inform the agency's broadband policy recommendations.

S. Derek Turner, research director of Free Press, issued the following statement:

"We applaud the FCC for finally taking time and energy to craft a comprehensive broadband strategy -- something that should have been done years ago. This plan, if done right, could serve as the foundation for telecommunications policymaking in the 21st century.

"Any new strategy must take into account how past policies failed to deliver the open, competitive broadband marketplace Congress intended. The blind deregulatory regime that we have today is a blueprint for what to avoid in the future. Under the last administration's wait-and-see approach, competition disappeared, speeds stagnated, prices went through the roof, and the open Internet was placed in jeopardy.

"If we want to see any improvement in the availability and adoption of broadband in this country, we need a strong government watchdog and a broadband plan that puts the public interest ahead of Wall Street's whims.

"We have no time to lose. While we are just beginning to work on our national strategy, global competitors like Australia are ready to implement plans to lay future-proof fiber from coast-to-coast. We look forward to working with the FCC to tackle America's pressing broadband problems and pave the way for universal, affordable, high-speed Internet for all Americans."

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