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WASHINGTON -- Responding to Google’s announcement today of a plan to build new, ultra high-speed broadband networks, Ben Scott, policy director for Free Press, said:

"Google’s proposed experiment with building ultra-fast, open broadband pipelines in a handful of communities follows a trail already blazed by Verizon’s FiOS network, which has fiber optic cables capable of speeds comparable to what Google proposes. The FCC should use these examples to set forward-looking goals for the future of broadband throughout the United States. In the coming years, all Americans should have access to a world-class broadband network. The world’s most advanced broadband nations already have networks capable of these speeds -- we are years behind in the race to create a national infrastructure that can support the next generation of e-commerce, e-government, health and education technologies, and much more.

“The FCC should adopt these high standards and aspirational goals when it delivers the National Broadband Plan to Congress in March. The National Broadband Plan should chart a course to guide the United States in the near term to universal deployment and adoption of high-capacity Internet infrastructure, and in the long term toward 1 gigabit broadband and beyond."

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