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WASHINGTON -- Free Press applauded the House Energy and Commerce Committee today for approving the "Broadband Census of America Act" (HR 3919), legislation that will improve the measurement of the availability, speed and value of U.S. broadband.

Ben Scott, policy director of Free Press, issued the following statement:

"We commend the Energy and Commerce Committee for moving this critical legislation forward. The Broadband Census of America Act promises to provide us with the ground-level information we need to bring affordable, high-speed broadband to all Americans.

"Until now, virtually nothing has been done to gather data about the current broadband market. This bill represents a giant leap forward in our knowledge and will help spotlight the market failures that threaten to stunt innovation and endanger our global competitiveness.

"We cannot evaluate problems that we don't measure or study -- much less can we solve them. So it is with great relief that the House has advanced the Broadband Census of America Act. We don't have any time to lose."

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