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SAN FRANCISCO -- With public backlash growing against the pact between Google and Verizon that threatens the free and open Internet experience, Internet users from across the Bay Area will converge outside Google headquarters on Friday, Aug. 13, to protest the pact and urge the search-engine giant to live up to its corporate motto: “Don’t Be Evil.”

In the week since news of Google’s deal with Verizon broke, more than 300,000 people have signed letters calling on Google to abandon the proposal, which threatens to destroy Network Neutrality – the fundamental principle that keeps the Internet open and free from discrimination. The Google-Verizon pact has been denounced by Silicon Valley companies, including Facebook, venture capitalists, legal scholars and leading members of Congress.

Here are the details for Friday's rally:

WHAT: ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Rally at Google Headquarters

WHERE: Amphitheatre Parkway and Charleston Road, Mountain View, Calif.

WHEN: 12 Noon PT, Friday, Aug. 13

This protest is being organized by Civic Action,, Credo Action, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Free Press. Representatives of the groups are available for interviews.

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