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NEW YORK -- Industry, advocacy, academic and financial leaders will host a press conference tomorrow at the Personal Democracy Forum in New York City to announce -- a groundbreaking initiative to make access to a fast, open and affordable Internet a basic right for all Americans.

WHAT: Press Conference at Personal Democracy Forum
WHEN: Tuesday, June 24, 10:25 a.m. ET
WHERE: Frederick P. Rose Hall, Breakout Room B, 33 West 60th St., New York City
Jonathan Adelstein, FCC commissioner
David All, co-founder, and
Brad Burnham, partner, Union Square Ventures
Vint Cerf, chief technology evangelist, Google
Robin Chase, CEO of Meadow Networks, co-founder, Zipcar
Van Jones, president, Green For All
Larry Lessig, Stanford Law professor
Josh Silver, executive director, Free Press
Michael Winship, president, Writers Guild of America-East
Tim Wu, Columbia Law professor

High-speed Internet, or "broadband," is becoming a crucial public necessity -- with almost limitless social, economic and educational potential. Technology plays a key role in almost every domestic political issue. But America's growing digital divide -- both domestically and internationally -- has cost the United States its claim to global Internet leadership. The social and economic consequences of America's failure to remain competitive are severe, and the need to address the problem is urgent. will unite Internet users, content creators and innovators to make universal, affordable high-speed Internet access a national priority. Tomorrow's event is the kick off of the massive effort to organize popular support, economic clout and political momentum behind this important goal. The launch will unveil the Web site and lay out the basic principles and strategy behind this initiative.

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