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NEW YORK – The names of American Troops killed in the ongoing war in Iraq have been relegated to the depths of American newspapers, and the nation's first and largest organization for Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is launching a campaign to change that, it was announced today. The "Honor the Fallen" campaign, coordinated by Operation Truth, is seeking Page One placement of casualty reports in all newspapers.

"Casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan were major news at the outset of the war, and those who died were given proper respect, but two years later, the mounting human cost is no longer a priority in America's newsrooms," said Iraq Veteran and Operation Truth Executive Director Paul Rieckhoff. "A casualty today is no less significant than a casualty two years ago. The 2001st casualty is no less important than the 2,000th."

In the Oct. 13 edition of the New York Times, the day after six Americans were killed in Iraq, the names of the dead were relegated to Page A-10 in a tiny box at the bottom of the page, about one-quarter the size of a Bloomingdale's ad on the same page.

OpTruth's 40,000 supporters are sending letters to newspapers across the country, requesting that they publish daily casualty reports on Page One. A number of other nationwide organizations are endorsing this campaign, in cooperation with Operation Truth. (See below.)

Rieckhoff said Operation Truth hopes this campaign will more adequately honor those Troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, while helping to keep the American public informed about the human cost of war.

"The public needs to be more aware that for our troops in harms' way, very little has changed over the past two years. If anything, the situation has gotten more dangerous," he said, "but it's tough to understand that when the casualty report consists of a tiny box at the bottom of the 14th page."

Quotes From Endorsing Organizations:

"Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation is dedicated to addressing the consequences of war. As an international humanitarian organization founded by veterans, we strive to honor the memory of any war's fallen soldiers as much as its innocent civilians through our programs of advocacy and service to victims of conflict. We proudly stand with all who are participating in 'Honor the Fallen' so those who have lost their lives in Iraq will not be forgotten."
— Bill Belding, President/CEO, Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation

"With American soldiers and Iraqi civilians still dying on a daily basis in Iraq, it's long past time our country has a serious debate on how to succeed in Iraq. That won't happen until the human cost becomes front-page news."
— Charles Sheehan-Miles, Executive Director, Veterans for Common Sense

"Many of our brave servicemen and women have made the ultimate sacrifice for this war. The least we can do is make sure they are honored in the way they deserve to be, on the front page of all newspapers, both for them and their families."
— Jim Dean, Chair, Democracy for America.

"We can't turn our faces away, just because acknowledging these deaths and asking why is painful. American military men and women live the reality of the Iraq war every day; American media should not hide it in the back pages."
— Matt Holland, Coordinator, TrueMajorityAction

"Mainstream media have obediently regurgitated White House and Pentagon spin for too long on the Iraq War. Big media are treating government officials with kid gloves in exchange for access and lucrative policy favors, all the while slashing newsroom budgets to boost their bottom line. It's time for the media to show the real costs of this war and hold government accountable."
— Josh Silver, Executive Director, Free Press.

" Civic Action and its members will be highly supportive of the veterans at Operation Truth in their effort to ensure proper respect is paid to those who gave their life for our country."
— Adam Green, Civic Communications Director, Civic Action.

Operation Truth ( is America's first and largest Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans Organization, representing Veterans in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and Guam. Its mission is to amplify the voice of the Troops.

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