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WASHINGTON -- Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, former chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, has resigned from the CPB board prior to the release of an Inspector General's report on his efforts to impose his partisan agenda at PBS and NPR. Free Press Executive Director Josh Silver made the following statement:

"Kenneth Tomlinson's resignation is long overdue. Hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens who treasure our public broadcasting system have been calling on him to step down for months. Facing an obviously damning report by the Inspector General, he finally slinked away."

"Unfortunately, Tomlinson is leaving behind a coterie of political cronies who seem intent on carrying out his partisan crusade. New Chairwoman Cheryl Halpern and President Patricia Harrison are loyal disciples who haven't blanched at Tomlinson's outrageous actions. Have they learned their lesson now?

"It's time to clean house at CPB. We need to get the politics out and put the public back in public broadcasting."

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