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WASHINGTON Today, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin announced that he would oppose a petition filed by the Internet phone company Skype that would open up all wireless networks to any devices and applications.

S. Derek Turner, research director of Free Press, issued the following statement:

"The chairman's decision to oppose this important petition is a missed opportunity to usher in a new era of innovation. If open devices and applications are good for consumers in the networks to be built on the newly auctioned spectrum, why not for all mobile networks?

"The small handful of companies that dominate the wireless world have a track record of stifling competition and an aversion to innovation. Trusting these same companies with the promise of the mobile Web is short-sighted.

"Mobile wireless is becoming an on-ramp to the information superhighway -- with the potential to help bridge the digital divide. The key to the future success of the mobile Web -- just like the wired Web -- is openness. Users should be free to choose any device, run any application and access any content. Allowing wireless carriers to keep their networks closed is squandering the future of the mobile Internet."


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