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WASHINGTON -- Today, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin released proposed rule changes that would gut the longstanding prohibition on owning a daily newspaper and broadcast stations in the same media market.

Ben Scott, policy director of Free Press, issued the following statement:

"Chairman Martin's lofty rhetoric talks about saving American newspapers and ensuring a diversity of voices. But the devil is in the details. His new rules appear to be corporate welfare for the largest media companies in the biggest cities.

"The proposed rule has no mention whatsoever of the core policy issues the FCC has failed to address -- the impact of consolidation on local programming, minority ownership and the quantity of local news across the market.

"Perhaps most worrying of all, the proposed rules appear to contain a giant loophole that could open the back door to runaway media consolidation in nearly every market. Martin is ignoring overwhelming opposition from the public and Congress to yet another massive giveaway to Big Media."

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin's release:

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