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WASHINGTON -- Free Press praised the Senate Commerce Committee today for advancing the bipartisan Local Community Radio Act (S.1675). Co-sponsored by Sens. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), this critical legislation could help bring hundreds of local, Low Power FM (LPFM) radio stations to cities and suburbs across the country.

LPFM stations are community-based, nonprofit radio stations that operate at 100 watts or less and have a broadcast reach of only a few miles. Since Congress first authorized LPFM stations in 2000, the Federal Communications Commission has awarded more than 800 LPFM licenses to nonprofits, schools and church groups in rural areas.

Joseph Torres, government relations manager of Free Press, issued the following statement:

"Free Press commends the Commerce Committee for passing legislation that would make it possible for more local and diverse voices to get on the air. The Local Community Radio Act will open the radio dial to thousands more new LPFM stations, while still protecting incumbent broadcasters from interference.

"LPFM stations help provide information and perspectives crucial to communities that are often ignored by mainstream radio. But these intensely local outlets have been limited to rural areas, denying thousands of would-be LPFM station operators the opportunity to serve their community.

"The Local Community Radio Act would change the rules and authorize the FCC to license countless new LPFM stations in urban and suburban communities across the country. This legislation is an important milestone on the path toward a media system that is accountable to local citizens."

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