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WASHINGTON -- The National Association of Broadcasters and the Association for Maximum Service Television launched an attack on public interest groups that support using empty public airwaves -- known as "white spaces" -- to bridge the digital divide and bring Internet access to millions of Americans in underserved communities.

Josh Silver, executive director of Free Press, issued the following response:

"As longtime supporters of quality local television, we are shocked and dismayed by the NAB's inflammatory accusations. This strategy of misdirection and hysteria is intended to distract attention from sound policymaking at the FCC. Just because broadcasters aren't happy with the results of the FCC's exhaustive engineering report is no excuse for these unfounded claims.

"The FCC report is clear: White spaces technology won't interfere with television signals. Having lost on the facts, the NAB has resorted to angry ranting. This crucial decision should be based on science, not who can shout the loudest. We urge the FCC to ignore the noise and open the airwaves to benefit everyone."


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