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WASHINGTON -- On Friday, the Federal Communications Commission's Net Neutrality rules were published in the federal register. The rules will take effect Nov. 20.

Free Press Policy Director Matt Wood made the following statement:

“Free Press is glad that the Net Neutrality rules are finally nearing publication. But as we've said all along, the rules passed last December are riddled with loopholes. They don't do enough to stop the phone and cable companies from dividing the Internet into fast and slow lanes, and they fail to protect wireless users from discrimination that is already occurring in the marketplace and that will only get worse.

“Even in their watered-down form, the rules might do some good — but that would require a vigilant FCC to carefully monitor and address complaints. This Commission’s track record suggests that it isn’t inclined to take decisive action to protect consumers.

“While we intend to fight to make the rules stronger and to hold the FCC accountable, we believe the duty to protect Internet users lies with the FCC. We will rally against any attempt to take away or undercut the FCC's responsibility to serve the public interest.”

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