Net Neutrality Supporters Win Big in the House

WASHINGTON — Net Neutrality supporters scored major victories in the House on Tuesday, with Democrats who supported the reversal of the Trump FCC’s 2017 anti-Net Neutrality ruling winning all 160 of their reelection races.
160 of the the 176 Democratic representatives who signed on to the resolution of disapproval that would restore the open-internet rules were up for reelection yesterday. The other 16 members are either retiring or ran for other political offices.
Rep. Mike Doyle (D–Pennsylvania) introduced the discharge petition in May, the day after the Senate passed a companion Congressional Review Act resolution introduced by Sen. Ed Markey (D–Massachusetts) with a bipartisan 52–47 vote.
The resolution of disapproval would roll back FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s 2017 Net Neutrality repeal and restore internet-user safeguards that prevent broadband providers like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon from blocking, throttling or otherwise discriminating against online content.
Free Press Action President and CEO Craig Aaron made the following statement:
“Never before have we seen so much public attention and such a solid base of congressional support for Net Neutrality and for restoring the rules that make it a reality for people nationwide. Net Neutrality has never been a partisan issue except in a few buildings in Washington, D.C. Eighty-two percent of Republicans and 90 percent of Democrats across the nation opposed the Trump FCC’s decision to repeal the rules.
“Many other issues shaped the election results. But the politicians listening to what internet users want and need did well yesterday. Many of those who refused to take a stand won’t be returning to Washington in 2019. But they still have a chance to right one of the Trump administration’s worst decisions and pass a resolution of disapproval this year.
“It’s time for Congress to stand with internet users everywhere, and against the incessant spin from phone and cable lobbyists who will do anything to block the restoration of Net Neutrality. Millions of people from across the political spectrum want to see the return of these essential rules.
“In the next Congress, we expect the support for internet freedom to grow on both sides of the aisle. And we welcome the return of real oversight of the FCC and other key decision-makers. Free Press Action looks forward to working with the new Congress to give people everywhere the essential protections they demand and deserve.”