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WASHINGTON -- In testimony prepared for the House and Senate hearings Thursday on Comcast’s proposed takeover of NBC Universal, public interest groups Consumer Federation of America, Free Press and Consumers Union argue that Comcast has both the incentive and the ability to engage in anticompetitive practices if the government allows the takeover.

Corie Wright, policy counsel for Free Press, said, “In this testimony, we warn Congress, the FCC and the public about the effects of the takeover: higher cable bills, less competition and the concentration of power in one company across multiple media markets and platforms. Comcast is already the largest cable operator and broadband Internet access provider. Comcast will attempt to gloss over the fact that this takeover involves the elimination of head-to-head competition in the emerging online video market. If Comcast succeeds in bringing the cable model to the Internet, then consumers will lose.”

Mark Cooper, director of research for Consumer Federation of America, who will be testifying at both the House and the Senate hearings Thursday, said, “NBC does not make widgets. It makes news and information, and it controls how Americans receive that news and information, which is critical to our democracy. Comcast also competes with NBC head to head for advertising revenue. NBC considers Comcast the competition, especially for advertising revenue.” Cooper also noted that NBC and Comcast compete directly in at least 11 cities.

The testimony was submitted by Consumer Federation of America, Free Press and Consumers Union to the Senate Judiciary Committee's Antitrust Subcommittee and the House Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet for the February 4, 2010, hearings on Comcast’s proposed takeover of NBC Universal.

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