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WASHINGTON -- Cable company RCN agreed on Monday to settle a class-action lawsuit after it was accused of degrading its users’ Internet service. In 2008, a complaint against RCN was filed accusing the company of throttling, a network management practice that prevents or delays customers from using the Internet in certain ways. In accordance with the terms of the settlement, RCN has agreed not to engage in certain kinds of network management for 18 months.

S. Derek Turner, research director at Free Press, made the following statement:

"RCN appears to have been utilizing tactics that enabled the company to block or degrade its users' Internet experience. These suspicious 'network management' techniques appear to be occurring throughout the industry. RCN agreed not to engage in certain harmful network management practices for an 18-month period -- what happens after the 18 months are up? This company's behavior provides further evidence that we need strong Net Neutrality rules and clear disclosure to protect consumers and to prevent these deceptive practices from becoming the norm among Internet providers."

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