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WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, Ars Technica reported that Sony Vice President and General Manager Michael Aragon expressed concern about Comcast’s discriminatory data cap policies. Aragon said that Sony is having second thoughts about starting its own online video service.

Last week, Free Press urged the Senate Commerce Committee to scrutinize the usage of punitive data caps by broadband providers in its April 24 online video hearing.

Free Press Policy Director Matt Wood made the following statement:

“Sony’s concern should serve as a wake-up call to policymakers at the FCC and in Congress. Comcast's unnecessary, arbitrary and discriminatory data caps are holding back innovation and competition in the video market. Caps simply don't do anything to manage supposed network congestion. Sony says it's waiting for clarity from regulators; now it's time for the FCC and Congress to give innovators the certainty they need by signaling they will not tolerate discriminatory use of data caps.”

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