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WHAT: National Conference for Media Reform

WHERE: Millennium Hotel, St. Louis, Mo.

WHEN: May 13-15, 2005

WHO: FCC Commissioners Michael Copps and Jonathan Adelstein; U.S. Reps. Diane Watson (D-Calif.), Maurice Hinchey (D-N.Y.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.); Comedian Al Franken; musical legend Patti Smith; author and political commentator Jim Hightower; Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!; Television host Phil Donahue; Kim Gandy of the National Organization for Women (NOW); Naomi Klein, author of No Logo; Janine Jackson of Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR); David Brock of Media Matters for America; Seattle Times Publisher Frank Blethen; DJ and activist Davey D; Newspaper Guild President Linda Foley; Daily News columnist Juan Gonzalez; Victor Navasky and John Nichols of The Nation; Outfoxed director Robert Greenwald; linguist George Lakoff; Medea Benjamin of Code Pink; Bill Fletcher of the TransAfrica Forum; radio host and author Laura Flanders; Malkia Cyril of the Youth Media Council; Free Press founder and president Robert W. McChesney; and thousands of activists, artists, policymakers, scholars, journalists and citizens concerned about the current state of the media.

DETAILS: Recent years have seen an unprecedented explosion of interest in media issues – from the bipartisan outcry over the FCC's attempt to increase media ownership caps, to recent furor over government-funded "fake news," to the battles being waged right now in Washington and across the country over the future of the Internet.

The National Conference for Media Reform will bring together more than 2,000 people from 49 states and nine foreign countries to discuss the problems of the media system and mobilize for reform. The event – which first was held in Madison, Wis., in November 2003 – is being convened by Free Press, the national, nonpartisan media reform group.

The full schedule and program information is available online at

The event is completely sold out. However, full coverage – including streaming audio and video and daily editions of the Free Press radio show "Media Minutes" – will be available at throughout the weekend. In addition, Saturday night's keynote session will be broadcast live at 8 p.m. CDT on Pacifica radio affiliates nationwide

Conference speakers and presenters and Free Press staff will be available for interviews or comment before and during the event. To arrange an interview or learn more about the National Conference for Media Reform, please contact:

Craig Aaron
Free Press Communications Director
(202) 265-1490, x 25
(202) 441-9983 (mobile, in St. Louis beginning May 12)

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