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WASHINGTON -- Free Press and the Tyndall Report are teaming up to give thousands of Americans a chance to instantly rate the media's performance during the four upcoming debates. Using the "Citizens Media Scorecard," viewers across the country will provide real-time feedback on how well the moderators' questions reflect the priorities of the nation.

More than 7,000 people have already signed up to participate at

Noted media analyst Andrew Tyndall will use the online ratings to provide instant and meaningful analysis of the public's response. This information will be made available to journalists following the completion of each of the four presidential and vice presidential debates.

"We leave it to the spin-meisters to try to persuade us whether their candidate got his nose in front in the horse race," said Tyndall. "Our scorecard is an exercise in democracy. Which issues were overhyped and which were overlooked? Which leadership attributes of each candidate were addressed and which ignored? How about moderator Jim Lehrer's journalistic performance? Did he truly help us understand what is at stake in this election?"

Recent polling by Harris Interactive found that the economy and the Iraq war are the two issues Americans are most concerned about. There was widespread public outcry after the final Democratic primary debate when moderators from ABC News devoted the first 45 minutes to questions about flag pins, former pastors and personalities before raising a single question about either of those two issues.

"Debates are marquee moments in American elections," said Timothy Karr, campaign director of Free Press. "The few journalists selected to participate -- and the media narrative that follows -- will play a defining role in determining our next president. It's up to the public to hold our media -- and through them, our leaders -- accountable."

Andrew Tyndall, Timothy Karr and other Free Press experts are available for comment before and after each debate. To schedule an appearance, contact Jen Howard at (703) 517-6273 or

For more information, visit


Free Press is a national, nonpartisan organization working to reform the media. Through education, organizing and advocacy, we promote diverse and independent media ownership, strong public media, and universal access to communications. Learn more at

The Tyndall Report has monitored the weekday nightly newscasts of three broadcast networks since 1987. This is Andrew Tyndall's sixth cycle keeping tabs on TV news coverage of the presidential election campaigns. Go to to follow each day's story rundown and search its database of almost 9,000 network news videostreams, including more than 1100 stories appearing on the network news on Campaign 2008.

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