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WASHINGTON -- Thousands of concerned citizens are urging the Federal Communications Commission to limit the number of new radio licenses one group can obtain when the agency makes them available this fall.

In October, the FCC is opening a rare window for community and nonprofit organizations to build their own full-power, noncommercial radio stations across the country.

"Without a limit on the new licenses, any group could apply for thousands of full-power FM radio stations across the country and destroy this rare opportunity for local communities," said Libby Reinish of Prometheus Radio Project. "The FCC should make sure to put local and diverse voices first on the FM dial."

The FCC's licensing window could be one of the last chances for community-based nonprofits to gain access to the public airwaves. Organizations will have just seven days, from Oct. 12-19, to file for full-power FM licenses.

The agency asked for public comment on whether it should limit groups from owning more than 10 of the new stations nationwide. Over 10,000 people across the country have spoken out in favor of the limit. The deadline for public comments is Thursday, Sept. 6.

"Over the past few decades, local radio stations have been swallowed up by a handful of large conglomerates," said Joseph Torres of Free Press. "Local news and artists are increasingly being pushed off the air. The upcoming full-power window at the FCC is an opportunity for communities to reclaim the public airwaves and provide an alternative to cookie-cutter corporate radio."

A broad coalition of groups is helping eligible community-based organizations apply for the licenses. Members of the coalition include Free Press, Prometheus Radio Project, Common Frequency, Future of Music Coalition, The National Federation of Community Broadcasters, Pacifica Radio, Public Radio Capital and the Radio for People Coalition.

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