Twitter Permanently Bans Trump, Citing Concerns He Will Incite Further Violence

WASHINGTON — On Friday, Twitter permanently banned President Donald Trump from the platform, citing the “risk of further incitement of violence” should he be allowed to continue to use the service.
Free Press and our partners in the Change the Terms and Stop Hate for Profit coalitions have urged Twitter to take this action. Twitter’s move came two days after Trump posted a number of tweets praising the violent white-supremacist insurrection on Capitol Hill. He regained access to his account on Thursday and used it to encourage his followers to reject the presidential-election result.
Free Press Co-CEO and Change the Terms co-founder Jessica J. González made the following statement:
“Twitter’s decision to permanently suspend Donald Trump is a victory for racial-justice advocates who have long condemned his continued abuse of the platform.
“From the launch of his presidential campaign when he defamed Mexicans as rapists, criminals and drug dealers, to the desperate last gasps of his presidency as he has egged on white supremacists to commit violence and insurrection, Trump had used his Twitter account to incite violence, lie about the election outcome, encourage racists and spread conspiracy theories. He did not deserve a platform on Twitter, or on any other social or traditional media.
“Today’s news, while a day late and a dollar short, is welcome. I urge other social-media companies to follow suit immediately.”