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Federal Communications Commission Chairman Michael Powell today instructed the Enforcement Bureau to launch an investigation into possible payola violations regarding the $240,000 paid by the Bush administration to pundit Armstrong Williams to promote its education policy.

Robert W. McChesney, founder and president of the nonpartisan media reform group Free Press, made the following statement:

"On behalf of Free Press and the more than 16,000 concerned citizens who have signed our petition calling for an exhaustive, thorough investigation, I welcome Chairman Powell's announcement. Commissioners Adelstein and Copps, as well as members of Congress such as Senator Lautenberg, Senator Durbin and Congresswoman Watson, also should be applauded for their leadership on this issue. The public has made clear that using taxpayer-funded propaganda to shape popular opinion is illegal, unethical and an insult to a free people. As Armstrong Williams himself concedes, his case is only the tip of the iceberg for payola punditry. This investigation must determine the full extent of these practices, and measures must be put in place to ensure that it never happens again."

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