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WASHINGTON -- Free Press commended the Senate Commerce Committee today for unanimously approving the "Broadband Data Improvement Act" (S. 1492), legislation that would address current gaps in data on the availability, speed and value of U.S. broadband. Free Press Policy Director Ben Scott issued the following statement:

"We commend the Senate Commerce Committee for moving this critical legislation forward. For too long, policymakers have been forced to operate in the dark, relying on misleading and sometimes inaccurate information about the U.S. broadband market. By providing detailed information about the deployment, availability and use of broadband services in this country, the Broadband Data Improvement Act promises to bring us one step closer to our shared goal of universal, affordable broadband."

Read the Broadband Data Improvement Act

Read the new Free Press report dispelling myths about the U.S. broadband marketplace, Shooting the Messenger


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