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  • Free & Open Internet

    Free Press Ad Warns Against Industry Takeover of Open Internet

    June 23, 2010

    WASHINGTON – Free Press ran a full-page ad in the Washington Post today, in response to news that closed-door meetings were held by the Federal Communications Commission with industry representatives and lobbyists about important Internet policies.

  • Media Control

    FCC Denies Unwarranted Qwest Request in Phoenix

    June 23, 2010

    WASHINGTON -- On Tuesday, the Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously to deny a petition from Qwest Corp. for deregulatory relief from certain regulatory obligations designed to promote competition in the Phoenix Arizona market. This action marks the agency’s return to conducting traditional “market power” analysis to determine the need for deregulation.

  • Media Control

    Public Interest Groups Urge FCC to Deny Comcast’s Takeover of NBC

    June 22, 2010

    WASHINGTON – On Monday, Free Press, Media Access Project, Consumers Union and the Consumer Federation of America filed a "petition to deny" with the Federal Communications Commission, calling on the agency to reject Comcast's proposed acquisition of NBC Universal.

  • Media Accountability

    FCC Makes Excuses for Secret Meetings, Abandons Transparency

    June 22, 2010

    WASHINGTON – After a series of secret meetings this week between the Federal Communications Commission and top industry lobbyists was revealed by the <em>Wall Street Journal</em>, FCC Chief of Staff Edward Lazarus tried to explain away the backroom meetings in a post on the FCC’s blog.

  • Free & Open Internet

    FCC Must Act While Congress Deliberates

    June 18, 2010

    WASHINGTON – The House and Senate Commerce Committees announced today that they intend to hold a series of stakeholder meetings on communications policy issues, including the Federal Communications Commission's authority over broadband. In response, Free Press Policy Counsel <strong>Aparna Sridhar</strong> made the following statement:

  • Free & Open Internet

    Rep. Joe Barton Stands with the ‘Small People’ at BP, Comcast and AT&T

    June 17, 2010

    WASHINGTON -- In a letter today, Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), along with Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.), requested hearings on the “legal validity and policy consequences” of the Federal Communications Commission’s efforts to restore its own authority over broadband providers. Rep. Barton claimed the effort will hinder the free market and threaten investment, jobs and broadband deployment.

  • Free & Open Internet

    FCC Action Is First Step Toward Achieving Broadband Goals

    June 16, 2010

    WASHINGTON – Tomorrow, the Federal Communications Commission will consider a Notice of Inquiry that will ask for public comment on the best legal framework for carrying out the agency’s National Broadband Plan to bring fast, open and affordable Internet access to all Americans.

  • Free & Open Internet

    CableCard Improvement Is Test Run to Overhaul Set-Top Box Market

    June 15, 2010

    WASHINGTON – Free Press filed comments on Monday supporting the Federal Communications Commission’s proposed changes to improve CableCARD rules for TV set-top boxes. In 1996, Congress ordered the FCC to implement rules to allow third-party devices like TiVo access to cable video streams, in order to compete in the set-top box market.