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  • Groups demand release of Rove-Tomlinson e-mails

    November 17, 2005

    WASHINGTON -- Free Press, the Center for Digital Democracy and Common Cause sent a letter today to top officials of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, demanding the immediate release of all evidence uncovered during a recently completed Inspector General's investigation -- including e-mail correspondence between ex-CPB Chairman Kenneth Tomlinson and White House adviser Karl Rove.

  • Groups call for new leadership at CPB after report reveals ethical violations and 'political tests' in hiring

    November 15, 2005

    WASHINGTON -- Free Press, the Center for Digital Democracy and Common Cause called on Corporation for Public Broadcasting President Patricia Harrison to resign following the long-awaited release of an Inspector General's report, which exposes extensive wrongdoing by the leadership of the CPB. The report found that "political tests" were a "major criteria" in hiring Harrison to oversee the CPB.

  • Telecom policy should not cater to special interests

    November 9, 2005

    WASHINGTON — Seventeen public interest, civil rights, media reform, community media, and consumer groups today delivered a letter to members of the House Commerce Committee urging the committee to protect American consumers and local communities as it moves forward on a rewrite of the 1996 Telecommunications Act.

  • Kenneth Tomlinson resigns from CPB Board

    November 3, 2005

    WASHINGTON -- Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, former chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, has resigned from the CPB board prior to the release of an Inspector General's report on his efforts to impose his partisan agenda at PBS and NPR. Free Press Executive Director Josh Silver made the following statement:

  • Groups demand immediate release of report on ex-CPB chairman's misdeeds

    November 1, 2005

    WASHINGTON -- Common Cause, the Center for Digital Democracy and Free Press today admonished the board of directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) to open a closed-door meeting on the results of an investigation into wrongdoing by former Chairman Kenneth Tomlinson.

  • Cronyism and secrecy run rampant at Corporation for Public Broadcasting

    October 30, 2005

    WASHINGTON -- Free Press, the Center for Digital Democracy and Common Cause today deplored the recent hiring of government propagandists and GOP loyalists to top positions at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and demanded that the agency make public a forthcoming Inspector General's report on ethical violations and partisan interference by its board members.

  • Groups urge Senate Commerce Committee to expand the availability of unlicensed spectrum

    October 18, 2005

    WASHINGTON -- More than 20 public interest, civil rights and media reform groups today delivered a letter to members of the Senate Commerce Committee urging the Committee to make the availability of spectrum for unlicensed use a major priority of any digital television (DTV) transition legislation. The Committee is expected to vote on a DTV bill on Thursday.

  • Iowans testify against further media consolidation

    October 6, 2005

    IOWA CITY -- More than 500 people filled the Pomerantz Center at the University of Iowa on Wednesday night for a "Town Meeting on the Future of the Media," voicing their concerns about media consolidation to Federal Communications Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein.