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  • CBS shuts out political speech

    January 22, 2004

    Washington, DC – The CBS network decided last week to prevent from buying time during the Super Bowl to air an advertisement that criticizes the Bush administration’s run-up of the federal deficit.

  • ''A Christmas Gift to Rupert Murdoch''

    December 19, 2003

    Washington, DC – Free Press, a citizens group focused on media policy, criticized the FCC’s 3-2 vote today to approve NewsCorp’s takeover of the DirecTV satellite service.

  • FCC to host public hearing in San Antonio on January 28

    December 11, 2003

    Washington, DC - Free Press, a national nonpartisan public interest group focused on media reform, today called on citizens to make their voices heard on behalf of diversity and localism in broadcasting at a public hearing held by the Federal Communications Commission in San Antonio.

  • More than 1400 gather in Madison, WI for National Conference on Media Reform

    November 7, 2003

    Madison, WI - In the wake of widespread public concern about media concentration, more than 1,300 activists, lawmakers and leaders of consumer, civil rights and labor groups from around the country began meeting here today at the National Conference on Media Reform to discuss ways to promote communications policies that better represent the public interest.<BR><BR>The conference, held at the Unive

  • Bipartisan Senate Coalition Votes to Roll Back New FCC Media Ownership Rules

    September 16, 2003

    (Washington, DC) - In a bipartisan 55-40 vote, the Senate today rolled back highly contentious Federal Communications Commission rules that would allow major media conglomerates to own an even larger percentage of the nation's media and permit cross-ownership of newspapers and TV stations in most communities.

  • FCC Chairman's Localism Initiative: "Ready, Fire, Aim!"

    August 21, 2003

    Faced with a national outcry so intense that Congress is moving to reverse his attempt to eliminate controls on media consolidation and monopoly, Federal Communications Commission chair Michael Powell's new localism initiative is an eleventh hour attempt to avoid a Congressional rollback of his recent media ownership rule changes.<BR>

  • Massive Public Pressure Driving FCC Rollback

    July 22, 2003

    Today the House overwhelmingly passed the Commerce Justice State appropriations bill. This represents a tremendous victory for the broad coalition working for a roll back of the FCC media ownership rule changes.

  • Common Cause and Free Press Praise Today's Vote by the Senate Commerce Committee

    June 19, 2003

    Common Cause and Free Press, two groups that have worked together in recent months to make an issue of the impact of media ownership decisions on American democracy, applaud today's actions of the Senate Commerce Committee in approving bipartisan legislation that will roll back the Federal Communications Commission's June 2 vote that relaxed media ownership rules.<BR><BR>"The Commerce Committee's