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  • Internet Access
    Public Media

    Free Press Mourns Wally Bowen

    November 18, 2015

    WASHINGTON — North Carolina media activist and community media innovator Wally Bowen passed away Tuesday in Asheville, North Carolina. Bowen was the co-founder of the Mountain Area Information Network, a nonprofit Internet service provider, Low Power FM broadcaster and community hub. He was a nationally known advocate for local self-reliance through local ownership of media infrastructure.

  • Internet Access
    Media Consolidation

    T-Mobile’s Arbitrary Data Caps Make No Sense

    November 10, 2015

    WASHINGTON — On Tuesday, wireless carrier T-Mobile announced plans to exempt selected streaming-video services from its customer data caps. The move, which favors video streams from Netflix, HBO Go, Hulu, ESPN and a handful of leading brands, will go into effect beginning Nov. 15, according to T-Mobile.

  • Privacy
    Surveillance and Privacy

    Free Press Action Fund Condemns Senate Passage of CISA

    October 27, 2015

    WASHINGTON — The Senate today voted 74-21 to pass the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), legislation that offers blanket immunity to companies sharing vast quantities of their users’ private data with government authorities.

  • Internet Access
    Media Consolidation

    Free Press Files Petition to Deny Charter Takeover of Time Warner Cable

    October 13, 2015

    WASHINGTON — On Tuesday, Free Press filed a “petition to deny” Charter Communications’ proposed $78.7 billion merger with Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks. The petition, submitted to the Federal Communications Commission, presents a definitive account of how the deal fails both the public interest and the antitrust tests required for regulatory approval.