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  • Net Neutrality

    AT&T Reverses Course on FaceTime Blocking

    November 8, 2012

    Public interest groups are prepared to file a complaint at the Federal Communications Commission if AT&T fails to make FaceTime available to all customers in a timely manner.

  • Internet Access
    Free & Open Internet

    Free Press Applauds FCC Action on Fallow AT&T Spectrum

    October 17, 2012

    WASHINGTON -- On Wednesday, the Federal Communications Commission approved a proposal that will enable AT&T to deploy mobile broadband services on its WCS band spectrum. Usage of this spectrum had been tied up in interference disputes because of its proximity to satellite radio spectrum. AT&T and XM-Sirius settled those disputes in June, and AT&T has reached agreements with several other WCS licensees to purchase much of the remaining spectrum in the band.

  • Internet Access

    Free Press: Commissioner Pai's Claims About Internet Oversight Distort Reality for Consumers

    October 16, 2012

    WASHINGTON -- On Tuesday, Federal Communications Commissioner Ajit Pai called the agency's ability to oversee Internet access services under common carriage rules a "hopelessly outdated" approach. The remarks continued the debate about the FCC's authority to require Internet service providers to abide by the non-discrimination and interconnection policies that currently govern telephone and enterprise telecommunications networks.

  • Free & Open Internet
    Surveillance and Privacy

    Rep. Markey Announces Support for Declaration of Internet Freedom

    October 11, 2012

    WASHINGTON -- On Thursday, Massachusetts Rep. Ed Markey announced his support for the five principles in the Declaration of Internet Freedom, joining congressional colleagues Sen. Ron Wyden, Reps. Anna Eshoo, Darrell Issa and Jared Polis and more than 2,000 organizations and 75,000 individuals from more than 130 countries.

  • Internet Access

    Free Press Statement on T-Mobile/MetroPCS Deal

    October 3, 2012

    WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, Deutsche Telekom and MetroPCS announced an agreement to combine T-Mobile and MetroPCS. Free Press is reviewing the details of the deal.