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  • Free & Open Internet

    Free Press Urges FCC to Restore Broadband Oversight Authority

    July 15, 2010

    WASHINGTON -- In comments filed today with the Federal Communications Commission, Free Press urges the agency to swiftly implement Chairman Genachowski's proposal to re-establish a legal framework that allows the Commission to set broadband policy, protect consumers and promote innovation in the broadband marketplace.

  • Media Control

    Free Press Urges FCC to Reject Comcast/NBC Deal

    July 13, 2010

    CHICAGO – Free Press President and CEO <strong>Josh Silver</strong> will testify today before the Federal Communications Commission’s public forum on Comcast’s proposed takeover of NBC Universal.

  • Media Control

    Free Press Calls for Strong Ownership Rules

    July 13, 2010

    WASHINGTON -- Free Press filed extensive comments last night in response to a Federal Communications Commission Notice of Inquiry issued in the 2010 Quadrennial Media Ownership Review.

  • Internet Access

    Data Roaming Rules Needed to Spur Competition in Mobile Broadband Market

    July 12, 2010

    WASHINGTON – In an effort to increase competition in the market for mobile high-speed Internet, the Federal Communications Commission is proposing rules that will require wireless carriers to offer data roaming on reasonable terms to other service providers. Free Press encourages the FCC’s proposal and filed Reply Comments in support today.

  • Media Control

    Free Press President to Testify at FCC Hearing

    July 9, 2010

    CHICAGO – At the Federal Communications Commission’s public hearing next week on the proposed merger of Comcast and NBC Universal, Free Press President and CEO <strong>Josh Silver</strong> will testify about the merger’s impact on the marketplace for online video. The July 13 hearing is slated to begin at 1:00 p.m., with opening remarks from FCC Commissioner <strong>Michael Copps</strong>.

  • Media Control

    Comcast to Raise Cable Rates

    July 7, 2010

    WASHINGTON -- Comcast will raise its cable TV rates by almost 4 percent in some areas of the country starting Aug. 1.

  • Media Accountability

    Free Press Launches ‘Corruption Road’ to Track Telecom Industry Influence in Washington

    June 30, 2010

    WASHINGTON – Today, Free Press launched “Corruption Road: How Corporate Money and Astroturf Pollute Media Policy,” a new tool that illustrates the millions of dollars being funneled from the major phone and cable companies into Washington’s economy of influence. Free Press Campaign Director <strong>Timothy Karr</strong> issued the following statement:

  • Media Accountability

    Free Press Grades FCC Chairman’s First Year ‘Incomplete’

    June 29, 2010

    WASHINGTON – Today marks the first anniversary of Julius Genachowski’s chairmanship of the Federal Communications Commission. While the Commission has taken steps toward meaningful action during his tenure, much work remains to be done.

  • Free & Open Internet

    Obama Spectrum Proposal Must Include Plan to Promote Competition

    June 28, 2010

    WASHINGTON – President Obama today announced an effort to make available 500 megahertz of spectrum currently controlled by the federal government and private companies. Most of the spectrum would be designated for auction for use in mobile broadband services.