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  • Public Interest and Civil Rights Groups Speak Out Against Unfounded Attacks on Mark Lloyd

    September 16, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- On Wednesday, more than 50 civil rights, public interest and grassroots organizations sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission and congressional leaders supporting Mark Lloyd, the associate general counsel and chief diversity officer of the FCC, and the agency's longstanding mission to promote <i>localism, diversity</i> and <i>competition</i> in the media.<p>

  • Denver to Debate the Future of News

    September 15, 2009

    DENVER -- On Wednesday night, Free Press, and will bring together concerned citizens, journalists, lawmakers and community leaders to discuss the future of news in Denver and beyond.

  • Denver to Debate the Future of News

    September 9, 2009

    DENVER -- Six months have passed since the 150-year-old <em>Rocky Mountain News</em> published its final edition. Since then, Denver has become a testing ground for rethinking how journalism is done.

  • Free Press Calls on Obama Administration to Resist Extremism in the Media

    September 8, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Van Jones, an adviser to the Obama administration and a former Free Press board member, resigned from his White House post after being ruthlessly attacked for weeks in a smear campaign started by Fox News pundit Glenn Beck. Beck, who has also called President Obama a "racist," targeted Jones for his background in environmental and civil rights activism.

  • Court's Decision to Throw Out Cable Ownership Cap Hurts Consumers

    August 28, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Today, a federal court threw out the Federal Communications Commission's rule to cap cable ownership at 30%. The rule served as an important consumers protection from media consolidation and growing cable cartels, and encouraged diversity in ownership in the cable industry.

  • Free Press Commends NTIA for Overwhelming Interest in Broadband Stimulus Funds

    August 27, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Today, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the Department of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service (RUS) announced that they received almost 2,200 applications requesting nearly $28 billion in funding for proposed broadband projects. This is the first of three bidding rounds for the $7.2 billion in funds the NTIA will distribute.

  • AT&T-Apple Deny And Confirm Blocking VoIP

    August 21, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Today, Google, Apple and AT&T responded to the Federal Communications Commission’s inquiries into iPhone users on AT&T’s network being denied access to the Google Voice application.

  • Free Press Exposes Astroturf Groups

    August 19, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Today, Free Press launched an online interactive tool to expose phony grassroots groups hired by big phone and cable companies to advance their political agenda.