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  • Free Press Exposes Astroturf Groups

    August 19, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Today, Free Press launched an online interactive tool to expose phony grassroots groups hired by big phone and cable companies to advance their political agenda.

  • Consumer Groups Call for FCC Action on Data Collection

    August 11, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Today, six consumer and public interest groups sent a letter to FCC Chair Julius Genachowski presenting a list of priorities for policy changes in broadband data collection. The letter calls for the completion of an open proceeding that would expand collection of broadband availability data and for the coordination of data-collection efforts between the NTIA broadband grant programs and the FCC.

  • Internet Freedom Bill Introduced in the House

    July 31, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Today, Reps. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) introduced the Internet Freedom Preservation Act of 2009 (H.R. 3458). This landmark legislation would protect Network Neutrality under the Communications Act, safeguarding the future of the open Internet and protecting Internet users from discrimination online.

  • Free Press Responds to 'Sloppy' Incumbent Broadband Arguments

    July 21, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Today, Free Press filed reply comments with the Federal Communications Commission regarding the national broadband plan. The filing offers evidence that refutes many incumbents’ calls for continued deregulation and efforts to deter public interest action by the FCC.

  • Free Press: Verizon Wireless 'Compromise' Not Enough for Consumers

    July 17, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Today, in an attempt to curb mounting pressure from Congress and the Justice Department over exclusive handset deals, Verizon Wireless sent a letter to members of Congress announcing that it will limit exclusive deals to six months but only for the smallest carriers that do not pose major competitive threats.

  • Franken Highlights Net Neutrality at Sotomayor Hearing

    July 15, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Today, Sen. <strong>Al Franken</strong> (D-Minn.) asked about the importance of Network Neutrality and the future of the open Internet during the Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee <strong>Sonia Sotomayor</strong>.

  • Free Press Urges FCC Confirmations

    July 15, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Today, the Senate held a confirmation hearing for FCC commission nominees <strong>Mignon Clyburn</strong> and <strong>Meredith Attwell Baker</strong>.

  • 'Maximum Civic Engagement' Key to FCC Broadband Plan

    July 2, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- At the first meeting of the Federal Communications Commission under <strong>Julius Genachowski</strong>, the new chairman pledged a "process for public participation that will be unparalleled for this agency" in crafting a national broadband strategy.

  • Broadband Grant Criteria Reflect Public Interest Priorities

    July 1, 2009

    WASHINGTON – The National Telecommunications Information Administration, along with the Rural Utilities Service, today unveiled grant guidelines for the $7.2 billion allocated for broadband deployment in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, signed into law by President Barack Obama in February.