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  • Los Angeles Debates Internet's Future

    December 4, 2008

    LOS ANGELES -- On Dec. 6, hundreds of Los Angeles residents from all walks of life will discuss the future of the Internet at a town hall meeting sponsored by -- a broad-based initiative to connect every American to a fast, open and affordable Internet.

  • Public Interest Groups Praise FCC Cable Reform Proposals

    December 3, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- Today, the Federal Communications Commission released the agenda for its Dec. 18 meeting. It includes a Report & Order to reform the rules of cable carriage complaints and help resolve basic process issues for independent and minority programmers who have been denied carriage.

  • 2009 Media & Tech Priorities: A Public Interest Agenda

    December 2, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- Today, Free Press released <a href="">2009 Media & Tech Priorities: A Public Interest Agenda</a>, a comprehensive look at the key media and telecommunications policies President-elect Barack Obama and Congress should implement next year.

  • Help Wanted: New FCC Chair

    December 2, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- This week, advertisements sponsored by Free Press appeared in the classified sections of the <em>Washington Post</em>, <em>Washington Times</em>, <em>Politico</em> and <em>The Hill</em> seeking a new leader of the Federal Communications Commission.

  • CTIA Removes Roadblock to Open Access

    November 13, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- According to news reports, wireless industry trade association CTIA has dropped its legal challenge to the open access conditions imposed on a portion of the 700 MHz spectrum by the Federal Communications Commission.

  • Public Wins with White Spaces

    November 4, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- Today, the Federal Communications Commission voted to approve the unlicensed use of "white spaces" -- empty airwaves between television channels -- to provide high-speed Internet access nationwide.

  • Free Press Calls for ISP Transparency

    October 28, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- Free Press is calling on the Federal Communications Commission to require all broadband providers to disclose any practice that monitors or interferes with their customers' Internet use.

  • Public Interest Groups Support Nov. 4 White Spaces Vote

    October 27, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- A coalition of the nation's leading consumer, media and public interest groups is calling on Congress to support using empty public airwaves -- known as "white spaces" -- to bridge the digital divide and bring Internet service to millions of Americans in underserved communities.