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  • NAB Launches Shrill Attack on Public Interest Groups

    October 22, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- The National Association of Broadcasters and the Association for Maximum Service Television launched an attack on public interest groups that support using empty public airwaves -- known as "white spaces" -- to bridge the digital divide and bring Internet access to millions of Americans in underserved communities.

  • Open Networks a Must in Wireless Mergers

    October 21, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- With the Federal Communications Commission poised for a Nov. 4 vote on the Verizon Wireless-Alltel merger and the Sprint Nextel-Clearwire deal, Free Press is calling for conditions that require both wireless networks to be open to all devices and applications.

  • Big Win Ahead for White Spaces

    October 15, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- According to news reports, engineers at the Federal Communications Commission are expected to issue a report endorsing the unlicensed use of "white spaces" -- empty airwaves between television channels -- to provide high-speed Internet access nationwide.

  • Broadband Must Be Top Priority in USF Reform

    October 14, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- Free Press filed a letter last night urging the Federal Communications Commission to make universal, affordable broadband a priority in any plans to reform the Universal Service Fund.

  • Ifill Gets High Marks from Citizens Media Panel

    October 3, 2008

    NEW YORK -- Moderator Gwen Ifill of PBS received more plaudits from supporters of Barack Obama than from supporters of John McCain for her conduct during the vice presidential debate in St. Louis on Thursday night.

  • Digital Freedom Campaign and Free Press Join Forces

    October 2, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- The Digital Freedom Campaign, a broad-based coalition dedicated to defending the rights of artists, consumers and innovators in the Digital Age, today announced its partnership with Free Press, a national, nonpartisan organization dedicated to promoting universal access to communications.

  • Sprint's New Wireless Service May Throttle Internet Traffic

    September 29, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- Sprint Nextel's new XOHM wireless service includes a clause that allows the company to limit consumers' access to content and applications on the WiMAX network. According to XOHM's "network management" policy, Sprint "may use various tools and techniques designed to limit the bandwidth available for certain bandwidth intensive applications or protocols, such as file sharing."

  • Senate Approves Broadband Data Bill

    September 29, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- Last week, the Senate passed the "Broadband Data Improvement Act" (S. 1492), legislation that would improve the information gathered at the federal and state level on the availability, speed and value of high-speed Internet service.