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  • Internet Access

    Free Press Action Fund Welcomes the Community Broadband Act

    January 22, 2015

    WASHINGTON — On Thursday, Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) introduced the Community Broadband Act to put an end to protectionist state laws that prohibit cities and towns from creating homegrown broadband facilities.

  • Net Neutrality

    The Trouble with the Fake Net Neutrality Bills

    January 21, 2015

    WASHINGTON — On Wednesday, the House and Senate Commerce Committees will discuss companion bills introduced by Sen. John Thune and Rep. Fred Upton. Both bills fail to even mention nondiscrimination.

  • Net Neutrality

    Sprint Supports Title II, Too

    January 16, 2015

    WASHINGTON — Telecommunications provider Sprint told the Federal Communications Commission that it would support the agency's effort to reclassify Internet access under Title II of the Communications Act.

  • Net Neutrality

    FCC Chairman Moves Toward Real Net Neutrality Protections

    January 7, 2015

    WASHINGTON — In an appearance at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas today, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler indicated that he will move to protect Net Neutrality by reclassifying Internet access under Title II of the Communications Act.

  • Net Neutrality

    Congress Puts to Rest the Great Internet Tax Hoax of 2014

    December 14, 2014

    WASHINGTON -- On Saturday, Congress passed the $1.1 trillion spending package, which includes a provision to extend a moratorium on local and state taxes for Internet sales and services. The Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA), reauthorized through October 2015, bans states from imposing taxes on Internet access no matter how the FCC classifies it.