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  • Net Neutrality

    Free Press to the FCC: No Further Delays on Real Net Neutrality

    November 20, 2014

    WASHINGTON — According to an agenda released Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission will not vote on new Net Neutrality rules at its Dec. 11 meeting. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has indicated in press reports that his office will require more time to draft the order.

  • Net Neutrality

    ADVISORY: Bay Area to Speak Out for Net Neutrality at San Francisco City Hall

    November 14, 2014

    SAN FRANCISCO — Bay Area supporters of the open Internet will gather at a public event at San Francisco City Hall to urge the FCC to pass strong Net Neutrality rules. The Nov. 20 event, “Bay Area Speaks: A People’s Hearing on the Future of the Internet,” is free and open to the public.

  • Net Neutrality
    Media Consolidation

    Despite an FCC No-Show, New Yorkers Speak Out for the Open Internet

    October 28, 2014

    NEW YORK — The fight to save Net Neutrality and stop the Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger came to Brooklyn on Monday night as an enthusiastic crowd of New Yorkers testified before five empty chairs, each representing one of the five FCC commissioners who either declined or failed to respond to the event organizers’ invitations to attend the public hearing in person.

  • Net Neutrality
    Media Consolidation

    TODAY: New York Leaders Join Public Hearing on Net Neutrality and the Comcast Merger

    October 27, 2014

    NEW YORK — The fight to save Net Neutrality and stop the Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger is coming to Brooklyn on Mon., Oct. 27. Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, New York City Mayoral Counsel Maya Wiley and former FCC Commissioner Michael Copps will join others in a public discussion about our rights to connect and communicate. The hearing will occur against the backdrop of two pending FCC decisions that could harm the open Internet.

  • Net Neutrality
    Media Consolidation

    ADVISORY: New Yorkers to Speak Out on Net Neutrality and the Comcast Merger

    October 24, 2014

    NEW YORK CITY — The fight to save Net Neutrality and stop the Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger is coming to Brooklyn on Mon., Oct. 27. New York Rep. Jerrold Nadler and former FCC Commissioner Michael Copps will join others in a public discussion about our rights to connect and communicate. The hearing will occur against the backdrop of two pending FCC decisions that could destroy the open Internet.

  • Net Neutrality

    Net Neutrality Supporters Speak Out in Texas

    October 21, 2014

    COLLEGE STATION — On Tuesday in College Station, Texas, FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai held a public meeting on the agency’s open Internet proceeding. Approximately 100 people attended the event, including dozens who participated in a Net Neutrality rally prior to the forum.