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Free Press and Share Ideas with the FTC on the Future of Journalism

November 9, 2009

WASHINGTON -- On Friday, Free Press, and thousands of citizens filed comments with the Federal Trade Commission on policy ideas to improve the future of journalism in America. In December, the FTC will hold a series of high-profile workshops on journalism and the news in our digital economy; the agency sought public input to shape the event.

Press Release

Free Press Welcomes Progress on Net Neutrality

October 22, 2009

WASHINGTON -- The Federal Communications Commission has approved a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Network Neutrality policies that would preserve the open Internet on all wired and wireless networks.

Press Release

Canada Embraces Net Neutrality

October 21, 2009

The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission today released a rigorous Network Neutrality framework designed to scrutinize all discriminatory practices by Internet service providers.

Press Release

Major U.S. Consumer Groups Support FCC Action on Net Neutrality

October 21, 2009

WASHINGTON -- 28 major U.S. consumer and public interest groups, including Free Press, signed on today to a letter to Federal Communications Commission Chair Julius Genachowski in support of stronger Net Neutrality rules. The FCC is releasing proposed new rules at a meeting on Thursday.

Press Release

Free Press Debunks Claims about Net Neutrality and Investment

October 21, 2009

WASHINGTON -- A <a href="">new report</a> by Free Press provides overwhelming evidence, despite the claims of companies like AT&T, that Network Neutrality will not harm network investment.

Press Release

Free Press Praises Plan for Reconstructing American Journalism

October 19, 2009

WASHINGTON -- Free Press welcomes the release of <em>The Reconstruction of American Journalism</em>, a new report from Columbia University’s School of Journalism by Leonard Downie, Jr., former executive editor of <em>The Washington Post</em>, and Michael Schudson, professor of journalism at Columbia.

Press Release

Free Press: Berkman Study Shows Need for Better Broadband Policies

October 15, 2009

WASHINGTON -- A new study by Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society examines broadband systems and practices throughout the world and finds that the United States is only "a middle-of-the-pack performer." The report shows that open access policies abandoned by the United States have been a successful catalyst in other leading nations for developing more competitive broadband markets.

Press Release

Low Power Radio Advances in Congress

October 15, 2009

WASHINGTON -- The House Committee on Energy and Commerce voted unanimously on Thursday to pass the Local Community Radio Act (HR 1147). The legislation, introduced by Reps. Mike Doyle (D-Penn.) and Lee Terry (R-Neb.), would open the public airwaves to hundreds of new Low Power FM radio stations in communities across the country.

Press Release
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