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Groups urge Senate Commerce Committee to expand the availability of unlicensed spectrum

October 18, 2005

WASHINGTON -- More than 20 public interest, civil rights and media reform groups today delivered a letter to members of the Senate Commerce Committee urging the Committee to make the availability of spectrum for unlicensed use a major priority of any digital television (DTV) transition legislation. The Committee is expected to vote on a DTV bill on Thursday.

Press Release

Iowans testify against further media consolidation

October 6, 2005

IOWA CITY -- More than 500 people filled the Pomerantz Center at the University of Iowa on Wednesday night for a "Town Meeting on the Future of the Media," voicing their concerns about media consolidation to Federal Communications Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein.

Press Release

Iowans to make their voices heard on the ‘Future of the Media’

October 5, 2005

IOWA CITY- Federal Communications Commissioners Jonathan Adelstein and Michael Copps will headline a "Town Meeting on the Future of the Media" on Wednesday night at the University of Iowa. This forum will give local citizens a rare opportunity to testify before Washington decision-makers about how the media are serving their local communities.

Press Release

FCC Commissioners to headline ‘Town Meeting on the Future of Media’ in Iowa City

September 27, 2005

Federal Communications Commissioners Jonathan Adelstein and Michael Copps will visit Iowa City next Wednesday to listen to local citizens' concerns about media consolidation. This "Town Meeting on the Future of the Media" is a rare opportunity for the public to participate directly in crafting media policies that serve the public interest. <b>WHAT:</b> Town Meeting on the Future of Media

Press Release

New Community Internet resources

September 22, 2005

WASHINGTON -- Consumers Union and Free Press today unveiled extensive new online resources designed to educate the public and foster development of "Community Internet" projects around the country.

Press Release

Groups respond to new telecommunications bill

September 16, 2006

WASHINGTON -- <i>A coalition of media reform, consumer and public interest groups —representing millions of Americans across the country — issued the following statement in response to a draft telecommunications bill circulated by the House on Thursday:</i>

Press Release
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