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  • Media Accountability


    November 25, 2014

    A lot of us felt devastated upon learning that Darren Wilson won’t be indicted for the murder of Michael Brown.

  • Local Journalism
    Media Consolidation

    Media Giants Are Devouring Local TV

    October 21, 2013

    Thanks to runaway consolidation, there's less and less news coverage on local TV. A Free Press report exposes the broadcasters' sneaky tactics.

  • Future of Journalism
    Press Freedom

    A New Call to Protect Acts of Journalism

    October 17, 2013

    A new Free Press report profiles citizen journalists, who require the same First Amendment protections as traditional reporters.

  • Net Neutrality
    Media Consolidation

    Verizon's Plan to Break the Internet

    September 18, 2013

    Verizon is trying to overturn the FCC’s Open Internet Order, which prevents ISPs from blocking, throttling or otherwise discriminating against online content.

  • Privacy

    The NSA May Be Reading This Blog Post

    June 11, 2013

    Free Press Action Fund has teamed up with other groups to launch StopWatching.Us — a call for Congress to investigate the NSA’s invasive surveillance schemes.