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If you are a member of the media and have inquiries, interview requests, or would like to join our press list, please contact Timothy Karr at 201-533-8838, or reach out to him at

Good Journalism Won't Be Enough

December 13, 2017

"If journalists want the public to listen, then journalists have to listen to the public. If journalists want the public to care, then journalists have to care about the public."

When No News Is ... No News

November 2, 2017

The loss of local news coverage has made it difficult for residents to stay informed, make decisions about voting, and participate in municipal and civic affairs. However, there is a glimmer of hope that this trend can be reversed.

Our Work on Local Journalism

The future of journalism and the future of our communities are intertwined. News Voices is bringing communities and newsrooms together. Here's how:

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