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  • Free Press calls on CPB chief Tomlinson to resign

    May 2, 2005

    WASHINGTON -- Free Press, the nonpartisan media reform group, today called on Kenneth Tomlinson, chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), to resign for failing to uphold CPB's nonpartisan mandate.

  • Free Press challenges Clear Channel chairman’s ‘Distinguished Service Award’

    April 18, 2005

    LAS VEGAS – Free Press, the national, nonpartisan media reform group, will announce the nominees for The Big Media Hall of Shame at a press conference this morning in Las Vegas. The five nominees, all prominent media and government figures, will be saluted for their public disservice and contributions to media consolidation.

  • Citizens demand end to fake news, FCC responds

    April 14, 2005

    WASHINGTON -- On Wednesday night, the Federal Communications Commission called on all television newscasters to clearly disclose the origin of video news releases (VNRs) used on their programs.

  • Cable industry’s campaign of deceit ends in defeat in Arizona

    April 12, 2005

    NORTHAMPTON, Mass. — Free Press, the national, nonpartisan media reform group, today applauded the defeat of Arizona House Bill 2563 – which would have gutted local "franchise fees" across the state that sustain local media and support public safety.

  • New reports make definitive case for Municipal Broadband

    April 11, 2005

    WASHINGTON – Municipal broadband networks can provide an essential catalyst for market competition, economic development, and the achievement of universal, affordable Internet access, according to three new reports released today by the Media Access Project (MAP), Consumer Federation of America (CFA), Free Press, and the Florida Municipal Electric Association.

  • Concerned citizens flood FCC with demands to stop fake news

    March 21, 2005

    WASHINGTON — Free Press, the nonpartisan media reform group, and the Center for Media and Democracy filed a complaint (<a href="">PDF</a>) with the Federal Communications Commission today, urging FCC Chairman Kevin J. Martin to investigate broadcasters who distribute government-sponsored news reports without identifying their source.