If you are a member of the media and have inquiries, interview requests, or would like to join our press list, please contact Timothy Karr at 201-533-8838, or reach out to him at tkarr@freepress.net.
It’s crucial for the FCC to retain its rules preventing a single company from dominating the airwaves or owning every broadcast outlet in the same city.
This Free Press-led initiative is calling on media and tech companies to prioritize truth over sensationalism, accountability over profits and democracy over division.
News outlets must refuse to cover politics with soundbites that place profit over people’s understanding of the ways in which our basic rights are at risk.
This ruling is a setback for internet users, but a temporary one. The nation’s communications regulator must be able to oversee the nation’s communications infrastructure.
Free Press publicó un estudio sobre las opiniones de los hispanohablantes que utilizan el español diariamente acerca de los medios y la tecnología en este año electoral.
The findings are an urgent call to action to ensure that the country’s Spanish-speaking population can afford access to the reliable news and information they need.
While the Court remanded these cases for more fact-finding by the lower courts, it noted laws that prevent platforms from deciding which speech it will or will not host are “unlikely to withstand First Amendment scrutiny.”