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  • Media Consolidation

    Free Press Calls for Careful Review of Verizon-Cable Deals

    December 19, 2011

    WASHINGTON -- On Monday, Verizon Wireless filed a statement with the Federal Communications Commission regarding its agreement to purchase prime wireless broadband spectrum licenses from cable operators Comcast, Time Warner Cable and Bright House.

  • Media Consolidation

    Verizon Deals with Cable Cartel Will Kill Competition

    December 16, 2011

    WASHINGTON -- On Friday, Cox Communications announced that it will sell its spectrum to Verizon Wireless, in a deal similar to the one announced by Comcast, Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks earlier this month. Like Verizon’s deal with the other companies, the agreement also means Cox will resell Verizon services to its customers as part of a cable-wireless bundle.

  • Privacy

    Congress Must Not Trample Internet Users in Rush to Pass Copyright Legislation

    December 15, 2011

    WASHINGTON -- On Thursday, the House Judiciary Committee held a markup of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which would give companies largely unchecked power to blacklist thousands of websites that they suspect of copyright infringement. If enacted, SOPA could force popular websites where people share videos, images and other data to censor user content or risk being blocked themselves.

  • Internet Access

    Free Press Pleased FCC and FTC Are Probing Carrier IQ

    December 14, 2011

    WASHINGTON – Responding to reports that the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission are taking a closer look into allegations that Carrier IQ software is tracking cellphone activity and sharing it without the users’ knowledge.

  • Internet Access
    Media Consolidation

    Free Press: AT&T's Procedural Ploys Don't Change Facts of T-Mobile Takeover

    December 9, 2011

    WASHINGTON – On Friday at a status hearing, the Department of Justice discussed the possibility of postponing its legal challenge against the AT&T/T-Mobile merger. The Department of Justice may seek to delay the trial until AT&T refiles its request for approval of the merger with the Federal Communications Commission.

  • Local Journalism
    Diversity in Media Ownership
    Media Consolidation

    Public to FCC: We Don't Want More Media Consolidation

    December 8, 2011

    WASHINGTON -- On Thursday, Free Press delivered a petition with more than 30,000 signatures to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski urging him to make the public, jobs and journalism the top priorities in the agency's imminent review of media-ownership rules.