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Free Press: We'll Work to Hold FCC Chairman to USF Promise

October 6, 2011

WASHINGTON -- On Thursday, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski announced his proposal to revamp the Universal Service Fund. The Chairman’s announcement follows the Commission’s requests for comments on the “ABC plan,” a purported compromise put forward by incumbent phone providers.

Press Release

Free Press Slams Sprint Decisions to Cap Tethering, Raise Early Termination Fees

September 22, 2011

WASHINGTON -- On Thursday, Free Press responded to reports that Sprint, the nation’s third-largest wireless carrier, would begin capping its “tethering” plans which allow subscribers to use their phones as mobile hotspots. The plans come with a 5 gigabyte data limit, and a new $0.05 charge per megabyte over the cap — which adds up to $50 per extra gigabyte.

Press Release
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