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  • Surveillance

    Stop Trump from Spying on Protesters

    November 19, 2018

    The Trump administration is accelerating efforts to monitor social media to preempt anti-government protests within the United States.

  • Net Neutrality
    Internet Access
    Diversity in Media Ownership
    Media Consolidation

    Free Press and Free Press Action Release 2019 Policy Priorities

    November 15, 2018

    We deserve a media system that’s open, affordable, democratic and safe for all people. Bold action is necessary to ensure that our media future is one of liberation.

  • Platform Accountability

    Hey NBC: 'Erase the Hate' Starts at Home

    November 13, 2018

    NBCUniversal just revived its “Erase the Hate” campaign. If it really wants to combat hate, it should start by firing a white supremacist in its ranks.

  • Free & Open Internet
    Media & Platform Accountability
    Future of Journalism
    Media Control

    Winning Isn't Enough

    November 7, 2018

    It’s time for policymakers to become changemakers. It’s time for disruption, not the status quo.

  • Internet Access

    FCC Chairman Pai Leans Into 5G Hypocrisy

    October 2, 2018

    Pai has dismissed concerns about the impact of the Trump administration’s tariffs on 5G deployment — claiming that local governments are the real villains here.

  • Free & Open Internet
    Internet Access
    Net Neutrality
    Media Control
    Diversity in Media Ownership

    Michael Copps Put the 'Public' in Public Servant

    September 28, 2018

    Free Press director Craig Aaron reflects on the legacy of former FCC Commissioner Michael Copps.