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  • Net Neutrality

    Chairman Pai Can't Win for Losing

    January 4, 2019

    The FCC’s repeal of the Net Neutrality rules is the worst decision in the agency’s history. No amount of spin can undo that. But that hasn’t stopped Pai from trying.

  • Net Neutrality
    Internet Access
    Communications Justice

    Ajit Pai's Biggest Lies of 2018

    December 21, 2018

    The FCC chairman has stooped to incredible lows in his attempt to justify his repeal of Net Neutrality and a plethora of other consumer protections.

  • Platform Accountability

    Facebook Violates Its Users' Privacy Yet Again

    December 19, 2018

    The social-media giant gave companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix and Yahoo unprecedented access to user data, including private messages.

  • Free & Open Internet
    Net Neutrality
    Internet Access
    Communications Justice
    Future of Journalism
    Media Consolidation

    Top 9 Media & Tech Moments That Gave Us Life in 2018

    December 17, 2018

    This was an eventful year in the fight for media and technology that’s free of oppression and accessible to all. These moments kept us encouraged and going strong.

  • Net Neutrality

    How We're Getting Net Neutrality Back

    December 14, 2018

    We’re confident that this year without Net Neutrality is an aberration — and that the days of Chairman Pai’s assault on the open internet are numbered.

  • Media Accountability

    Sinclair Needs to Fire Boris Epshteyn

    December 5, 2018

    Sinclair's chief political analyst has defended the teargassing of asylum seekers and other heinous Trump-administration actions.

  • Free & Open Internet
    Platform Accountability

    Facebook Is Out of Control

    November 26, 2018

    Some leaders at Facebook have no problem taking pages from the White-supremacist playbook to further their goals.

  • Net Neutrality
    Media Consolidation

    Turkey with a Side of Justice

    November 20, 2018

    This holiday season, we at Free Press are grateful for the amazing lawyers on our staff who are fighting to stop the FCC from gutting our communication rights.