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  • Net Neutrality

    Free Press: FCC Net Neutrality Order a ‘Squandered Opportunity’

    December 21, 2010

    WASHINGTON -- By a 3-2 vote Tuesday, the Federal Communications Commission approved new rules intended to prevent Internet providers like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon from acting as gatekeepers on the Web. The rules, however, heavily favor the industry they are intended to regulate, and leave consumers with minimal protections.

  • Net Neutrality

    FCC Set to Move Forward with Fake Net Neutrality

    December 20, 2010

    WASHINGTON -- In a statement Monday, Federal Communications Commissioner Michael Copps announced that he would vote to move forward FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski’s so-called Net Neutrality rules. The announcement appears to give the chairman the three votes necessary to pass his order.

  • Public Media

    LPFM One Step Closer to the Finish Line

    December 17, 2010

    WASHINGTON – Friday morning, the House of Representatives passed a revised version of the Local Community Radio Act, a bill that would expand local radio to more communities across the nation. The revisions have addressed the concerns of the National Association of Broadcasters, who have released a statement in support of the legislation.

  • Media Control

    FCC Reportedly Pushing Comcast-NBC Merger Without Full Review

    December 17, 2010

    WASHINGTON -- The Federal Communications Commission could be moving toward finalizing its review of the proposed Comcast-NBC merger as early as next week, according to press reports. The FCC, along with the Department of Justice, is charged with evaluating the merger's impact on the public.

  • Net Neutrality

    Free Press Commends Senator Franken for Standing for Real Net Neutrality

    December 10, 2010

    WASHINGTON -- Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission on Friday, urging Chairman Julius Genachowski to pass real Network Neutrality protections when the agency votes on the issue on Dec. 21. Free Press Political Adviser <strong>Joel Kelsey</strong> made the following statement:

  • Net Neutrality

    More than 80 Groups Sign Letter to FCC Demanding Real Net Neutrality

    December 10, 2010

    WASHINGTON -- More than 80 grassroots organizations, consumer groups, civil rights organizations, innovative businesses, technology experts and public interest advocates filed a letter with the Federal Communications Commission on Friday, signaling broad support for strong Network Neutrality rules.

  • Internet Access

    Free Press: Shortcomings in FCC Internet Access Report ‘Inexcusable’

    December 8, 2010

    WASHINGTON – The Federal Communications Commission released its latest report on Internet access service on Wednesday. The report, based on the semi-annual Form 477 census of Internet providers, is intended to allow the agency to monitor broadband adoption, competition, subscriber trends and service speeds.