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  • Net Neutrality

    Free Press to FCC: It’s Time to Act

    October 12, 2010

    WASHINGTON – On Tuesday, Free Press filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission as part of the agency’s long-running open Internet proceeding.

  • Internet Access

    Free Press Calls on Congress to Protect Wireless Users from ‘Phantom Fees’

    October 6, 2010

    WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, Free Press delivered letters to key members of the House and Senate, urging them to investigate deceptive billing practices and “phantom fees” in the wireless industry following the discovery that Verizon has been overcharging customers for data services they did not use.

  • Media Control

    FCC Asks for More Data from Comcast, NBC Universal

    October 5, 2010

    WASHINGTON – The Federal Communications Commission announced Monday that it was seeking additional information from both Comcast and NBC Universal on the impact of the companies’ proposed merger. The FCC set a deadline of Oct. 18 for Comcast and NBC to answer its questions. Free Press Policy Counsel <strong>Corie Wright</strong> made the following statement:

  • Free & Open Internet

    Free Press Urges FCC to Act After Congress Suspends Work on Internet Bill

    September 29, 2010

    WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, key members of Congress announced an end to a legislative process that attempted to provide a short-term solution to problems created by Bush-era deregulatory policies. Free Press Political Adviser <strong>Joel Kelsey</strong> made the following statement:

  • Media Control

    Free Press Asks FCC to Crack Down on Fake News

    September 28, 2010

    WASHINGTON — Free Press has filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission asking the agency to investigate the growing use of undisclosed commercials in TV newscasts.

  • Net Neutrality

    Activists Tell FCC: 'Don’t Waffle on Net Neutrality!'

    September 23, 2010

    WASHINGTON – On Thursday morning, members of the Coalition cooked up a protest outside Federal Communications Commission headquarters in Washington, greeting agency staffers on their way into work with a hot breakfast and an important message: “Don’t Waffle on Net Neutrality!”

  • Net Neutrality

    Net Neutrality: We’re Still Waiting

    September 21, 2010

    WASHINGTON – Today, Free Press released <A HREF="">“In His Own Words: Julius Genachowski’s Vision of <em>Real</em> Net Neutrality,”</a> a brief report using the FCC chairman’s statements to illustrate the elements of a genuine open Internet policy. <br>