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  • Bill Moyers: 'Journalism in Profound Crisis'

    June 7, 2008

    MINNEAPOLIS -- Today, legendary journalist <strong>Bill Moyers</strong> electrified an audience of more than 3,500 in Minneapolis, calling the media reform movement "the most significant citizens' movement to emerge in this new century."

  • Minneapolis Event Showcases Media Reform Movement

    June 6, 2008

    MINNEAPOLIS -- Today, more than 3,000 people from across the country are gathered in Minneapolis for the National Conference for Media Reform -- an extraordinary event showcasing the growing movement to create more accountable, democratic and diverse media.

  • Free Press Urges Careful Scrutiny on Verizon/Alltel Merger

    June 5, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- Today, Verizon Wireless agreed to buy Alltel Corp. for $5.9 billion. According to the Associated Press, this deal would make Verizon the largest cellular carrier in the United States. Ben Scott, policy director of Free Press, made the following statement:

  • Free Press Hosts National Conference for Media Reform

    June 5, 2008

    <p> MINNEAPOLIS -- On June 6-8, a broad array of policymakers, scholars, media producers, grassroots activists and concerned citizens will gather in Minneapolis for the 2008 National Conference for Media Reform. This landmark event -- hosted by Free Press at the Minneapolis Convention Center -- will bring together growing movement to create a more accountable, democratic and diverse media. </p>

  • Media Reform Comes to Minneapolis

    May 28, 2008

    MINNEAPOLIS -- The National Conference for Media Reform -- the largest gathering of its kind in the country -- will bring thousands of activists, educators, policymakers and leaders from all 50 states to Minneapolis to discuss the future of media.

  • House Takes a Stand Against Pentagon Propaganda

    May 27, 2008

    WASHINGTON -- The House passed an amendment to the annual defense bill last week that would outlaw the Defense Department from spreading propaganda to the American people. Sponsored by Rep.

  • National Conference Spotlights Open Internet Debate

    May 27, 2008

    MINNEAPOLIS -- At the National Conference for Media Reform, hosted by Free Press on June 6-8 in Minneapolis, a distinguished series of speakers and panels will stress the need for open Internet policies that bring affordable, high-speed access to everyone.