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  • Diversity in Media Ownership
    Media Consolidation

    FCC Approves Sinclair-Allbritton Deal Minus Shell Games

    July 24, 2014

    Washington — On Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission approved Sinclair Broadcast Group's $985 million acquisition of several Allbritton TV stations, along with NewsChannel 8 in Washington. The final deal is far different from the one Sinclair initially proposed in July 2013. And today’s FCC approval came only after Sinclair was forced to alter the deal in response to opposition by Free Press.

  • Net Neutrality

    Free Press Builds Definitive Case for Net Neutrality

    July 18, 2014

    WASHINGTON -- In its filing in the Federal Communications Commission's open Internet proceeding, Free Press provides the definitive argument for protecting Net Neutrality by reclassifying broadband providers as common carriers.

  • Net Neutrality

    Americans Bombard the FCC with Demands for Real Net Neutrality

    July 15, 2014

    WASHINGTON — Grassroots organizations on Tuesday applauded the American public for its passionate support of real Net Neutrality protections. In an unprecedented outpouring of concern, millions of Americans have submitted comments to the Federal Communications Commission rejecting Chairman Tom Wheeler's plan to allow priority Internet access for a few rich companies.

  • Net Neutrality

    Senators Champion Net Neutrality and Call on FCC to Act

    July 15, 2014

    WASHINGTON — In a letter delivered to the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday, 13 senators said the FCC must take action “to protect the openness of the Internet for future generations.”

  • Surveillance and Privacy

    Free Press: FBI and NSA Profiling Threatens Our Most Fundamental Rights

    July 9, 2014

    WASHINGTON -- A report published today by Glenn Greenwald and Murtaza Hussain in The Intercept exposes an NSA and FBI spying program that targeted prominent Muslim-Americans. Those targeted included a political candidate and former high-ranking Bush administration official, several civil rights activists, academics and lawyers.

  • Net Neutrality

    Invitation: Why Real Net Neutrality Matters

    July 8, 2014

    Join us for a panel discussion with policy experts, investors, innovators and content creators that will clarify what’s at stake and what it will take to truly protect free speech and innovation online.

  • Internet Access
    Media Consolidation
    Media Control

    Free Press Action Fund Urges Congress to Reject the AT&T-DIRECTV Merger

    June 24, 2014

    WASHINGTON -- In testimony before the Senate on Tuesday, Free Press Action Fund Policy Director Matt Wood will speak out against AT&T’s bid for DIRECTV, calling out the phone giant’s failure to deliver on promises to provide affordable broadband to more customers and regions.