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Industry Front Group Plans Campaign of Lies

May 12, 2010

WASHINGTON – AT&T front group Americans for Prosperity announced a $1.4 million advertising plan to try to convince Americans that the Federal Communications Commission is plotting to "take over the Internet."

Press Release

Free Press Releases New Public Media: A Plan for Action

May 10, 2010

WASHINGTON -- A new policy paper from Free Press called <em>New Public Media: A Plan for Action</em> presents a series of creative policies and proposes reforms to support quality news reporting in local communities and to build a world-class noncommercial media system in America.

Press Release

Free Press: FCC Proposal a Step Toward Correcting Powell-Era Mistakes

May 7, 2010

WASHINGTON -- In an <A HREF="">interview Thursday with CNBC</A>, former FCC Chairman Michael Powell called current Chairman Julius Genachowski's decision to change the way broadband services are treated under law "the most massive expansion of regulatory authority over the Internet ever."

Press Release

Free Press Encouraged by New FCC Plan

May 6, 2010

WASHINGTON -- Reacting to reports about the Federal Communications Commission’s announcement today on the commission’s oversight of broadband transmission, Free Press Research Director <strong>S. Derek Turner</strong> said, "By putting the FCC's regulatory framework back in harmony with congressional intent, Chairman Genachowski is reversing one of the worst deregulatory mistakes of the past decade."

Press Release

FCC Must Move to Reclaim Authority Over Broadband

May 5, 2010

WASHINGTON -- On a call today with reporters, <strong>Josh Silver</strong>, Free Press President and CEO, issued the following statement: “We at Free Press were stunned to hear that the Federal Communications Commission might abandon authority over the communications platform of the 21st century. It is a testament to the overwhelming influence of the phone and cable lobbying juggernaut that this is even an issue."

Press Release

Free Press Lauds Congressional Leadership for Support of Broadband Reclassification

May 5, 2010

WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) sent a letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski urging the agency to consider “all viable options,” including reclassifying broadband services as a “telecommunications service” in order to protect broadban

Press Release
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